I understand that health is more important, but I can’t quit my job

I understand that health is more important, but I can’t quit my job
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 23 years old, 2 years ago the most difficult period in my life began, I worked, lived with my mother alone, she loves me very much and supports me in everything. I went to the gym and worked out constantly after work. I've always been thin.

After a while, I started having stomach pains, and away I went. All the hospitals, doctors, tests, I went through everything. NoneThe medicine doesn’t help me, there’s not even a diagnosis, but I’m being treated for something unknown. All the grandmothers and massage therapists did not help me. How long I spent in these hospitals, six months passed, but I didn’t feel any better; my nerves couldn’t stand it anymore. Later I realized that everything was pointless. And I just got used to these pains and continued to live, losing 4 kg at that time.

I met a guy, we fell in love with each other, for a long time I didn’t tell him that I was enduring such pain, I constantly pretended that everything was fine. 4 months after we met, I felt worse. In another city they make a diagnosis and advise to have surgery. They are performing this operation on me, test-antibiotic.com it is a small hernia. He supported me very much, he came because he lived in another city. All my hopes that I would feel better after the operation were dashed, I lost another 7 kg, and the pain also remained. Later we decided that I should move to his city, maybe I’ll change the situation and it will be easier, I’ll find new doctors.

He rented an apartment for me, he found me a job and helped me with money. But they became closer to each other and began to think about marriage. He is very good, caring, and is very worried about me, because I still can’t gain even 1 kg of weight after the operation and the pain has gotten worse. By the end of the working day, I don’t even understand how I was able to endure the whole day, because even painkillers don’t help. My surgeon says that I pulled my stomach ligaments during training, because of this my stomach is stretched and dropped a lot due to lack of weight. They are offering to do another operation to reduce the stomach, but I am very scared that I will not be able to bear the anesthesia with my weight, but I can no longer endure these test-antibiotic.com pains.

I don’t want to leave work either, I just got settled andI need money , on the other hand, I need to be healthy to have children. The guy is supportive, but I understand who would want to marry a sick woman; we can’t get pregnant either. I ask you to give me advice on what to do next. I'm just confused and mentally tired of the pain.

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