The consequences of the accident changed my life

The consequences of the accident changed my life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 19 years old. In August of this year, I was in a terrible accident and as a result injured my leg. It turned out that the injury was serious. The knee was injured, surgery was performed, but in addition to this, the nerve that is responsible for lifting the foot was ruptured. Now three months have passed since the operation. The foot is hanging. I can’t fully bend or straighten my leg. The knee sticks out like a big ball. So far the forecast for minelife means limping and walking very slowly, wearing a plastic foot support on the floor of your foot. I can’t fit my foot into any shoes or even put on a sock normally on my own. I cannot drive any car freely.

To become like this at such an early age. Now I have neither a loved one nor friends, and never had one. And now there is no chance of meeting someone, because I cannot leave the house. And even if I go out, I will simply not be pleasant to people, I will not evoke sympathy from the opposite sex. I haven't been able to get along with guys all my life, even though I'm prettyyoung woman . And now, with such a body and illness, I have no desire to study and further build a career, and where will they hire such a person.

I just don’t see the future, my happy and joyful future. Such a life does not bring any joy. I am very depressed, I constantly think that I don’t want to live. It’s like there’s emptiness inside me, and there’s no energy to live. I can't accept myself like this. How to deal with this? How to get rid of such thoughts, how to start thinking positively, visualizing recovery. I need nerve surgery that will give me a chancerestore mobility to the foot. How to model favorablethe future and get out of such a lifeless state? I understand that there are many reasons to be happy that there are people with problems worse than mine. And that I could have died in an accident, but remained alive, I should at least be happy about this. But this life doesn't make me happy

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