Lost the meaning of life

Lost the meaning of life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I've been working non-stop for the past five years to pay off my mortgage. I had a big down payment. I saved on literally everything in order to pay off payments ahead of schedule. And I turned it off.

Over the past five years, I have only rested for 4 days. This was in 2019. My temperature rose and my nose was stuffy. Although I felt very bad, I returned to work fresh and full of strength. An indescribable feeling of pleasant fatigue. In five years, this is my only episode that can be called happy.

Now I have absolutehappiness and a strong feeling of disappointment. I paid off my mortgage this week. It's cool thatThe apartment is now mine, not the bank. But I don't know what to do next. There is no need to work in this mode anymore. But I have nothing but work. I used to have a hobby - I was fond of scrapbooking, but I sold all the tools and blanks. Before that I was interested in athletics. Now it’s not like running, it’s an extra block for me to pass the test.

A friend from work advised me to watch films. I missed everything in five years. But test-antibiotic.com, to be honest, I don’t want to watch anything. There is no boyfriend, there was no time to get to know each other, and I wanted the apartment to be mine alone.

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