Separation from her husband due to mobilization in Russia

Separation from her husband due to mobilization in Russia
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

On September 21, mobilization began in Russia. Since that day, men of military age have left the country en masse.

When mobilization was announced, I immediately realized that my husband could not stay in the country and needed to act. He is completely healthy, he would have been called up first. He turned 27 at the beginning of this year, but then they didn’t want to give him his military ID. As a result, he received it quite recently and (at the military registration and enlistment office) they strongly hinted to my husband that it would be better to go voluntarily to the war in Ukraine, because then it would be all the same.

After news of mobilizationMy husband laughed hysterically, he was in complete shock, I had never seen him like this. He realized that he would have to leave me with three children, the youngest is now four months old. And if he leaves the country, he will not return here for at least a year. It was clear that my husband needed to be taken out of the country as quickly as possible, I had literally half an hour to think about it, because while we sat and reasoned, we might miss our only chance.

I understood that if I panicked and became hysterical, nothing good would come of it, it was time to turn off all emotions and turn on the mind. I was able to find a car and sent him to Georgia. I looked for a car for a long time, some refused to take him because heman . They immediately said that there was a 300% chance that he would be deployed and would not even be allowed to get to Vladikavkaz. As a result, I agreed with the driver that ifthe husband does not cross the border, then the driver is not responsible for this.

He left in a minibus with other fellow travelers, there were only guys there. They stood at the border for a very long time. In the morning, people calmly crossed the border in 20 minutes or 2 hours, but by evening the line had already stretched for a day. Now my husband has reached Tbilisi, where the taxi driver took him to his home, fed him, today they left to buy a SIM card and apply for a card at the bank.

I’m still here in Russia, we haven’t really communicated, I just know that he’s fine. I can’t leave with my children yet, I’m not allowed to leave because of debts, I’m currently selling my apartment (I’ve been doing this for over a year). But even earlier, before mobilization, we planned to move to another country in October. In principle, this will happen, but I will have to travel alone with three children.

Today I spoke with my eldest son, he is 7 years old, I explained everything directly that there is a war going on, terrible things are happening, and we cannot stay here, dad went ahead, and then we will all go together. He knows that we are selling the apartment, so until we finish all the work, we cannot leave. My son still perceives this as a journey, an adventure. I don’t have hopes, I understand that most likely we won’t return here in the next five years, or maybe more. Even if our government changes, it is unlikely that something will change right away and order will appear in the country. Most likely, people like us will still be persecuted and punished, because we are “traitors to the motherland.”

I'm trying not to think about it for now. If a real war breaks out on our territory, which I expect, many will most likely leave. When the first rumors about mobilization appeared, unfortunately, we did not take it seriously enough and did not prepare for departure. In 2022, everyone has generally gotten used to the fact that there are a lot of provocations going on, like in the fairy tale about the boy who cried “Wolf!”

They were afraid of mobilization in February, March, on the May holidays, in the summer - everyone was already accustomed to such rumors. You start replaying it in your head and blaming yourself, but at that moment we weren’t scared enough. In my social circle everything was quite calm. The feeling that you are being torn out of life. They pull it out, that is, this is a violent action. This is not perceived as your own decision, as a choice, it is a non-alternative, hopeless, but the only action that you can do now.

Honestly, if nothing changes here, I don’t see any prospects of returning in the coming years. No matter how painful it may be, I perceive this departure as leaving for a very long time.

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