Reasonable housekeeping or storage of unnecessary trash?

Reasonable housekeeping or storage of unnecessary trash?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

A decade and a half ago, I helped a friend of mine clear out the trash from his father’s apartment. My father died of a very short-lived form of cancer. An acquaintance lived abroad and returned as soon as he learned about the disease. But it was too late to do anything: about two weeks passed from diagnosis to death...

And also himFor many years my father suffered from a rather rare mental disorder - pathological hoarding. This was manifested in the fact that in the three-room apartment where he lived, there was not a single spot left where some kind of rubbish lay up to the ceiling.

When we cleared out the rubble, we had to hire several workers and make six or seven trips to the dump by truck, and each time the truck was loaded to the top.

A friend of mine complained that his father had this mental problem for a long time. One day, many years ago, he noticed that his father had picked up a piece of paper on the street. They had a dialogue like this:

- Why do you need this piece of paper?

— What if you need to write something down?

- So there’s something printed on it!

— On one side But the other one is clean!

It was difficult to oppose anything to this logic. But what started out as an oddity eventually led to a serious problem.

While clearing out the rubble in the apartment, I made an unpleasant discovery and, perhaps, found the cause of the owner’s death: an inconspicuous-looking metal box. But I, having army service behind meexperience , was well aware of its contents - there were control radiation sources of strontium-90 and cesium-137, which were used to calibrate dosimetric instruments. How this stuff got to my friend’s father remains unknown, but the competent authorities had to be called in to dispose of it. That's it, don't drag anything into the house.

But now, many years later, I began to notice similarproblems in yourself. No, I don’t pick up all sorts of nonsense on the streets and don’t drag it into the house. Not yet... But it’s very difficult for me to part with old things. I just can't throw anything away. I look at even the most useless thing from the point of view: what else could it be used for? Let it lie in the garage.

My garage is large. For two cars. But I don’t use it - the car spends the night under the windows. Why is it needed if you need to go to a garage halfway across town to get it? But the garage began to resemble my friend’s father’s apartment. It was possible to go through the rubble only sideways, and not everywhere.

Finally I made up my mind. I called my neighbors in the garage cooperative and hired a truck. Within a few hours, only shelves and tools remained in the garage. Everything else either went to a landfill or was distributed to neighbors.

I wonder if I got rid of my mental disorder (and these were undoubtedly signs of it)? If yes, for how long?

PS What an interesting piece of hardware lying around - some kind of drive with a piece of a worm gear! I don’t know why this is needed, but just in case, I’ll take it to the garage...

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