Divorce in old age

Divorce in old age
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We got married after our third year of college. These 3 years met without a close relationship. 43 years lived in perfect harmony, raised two daughters, three grandchildren.

And suddenly the husband seemed to have been replaced. They operated on the prostate. He didn't need me anymore. And he registered all the real estate for himself. The Russians -the man is the master of everything. I found out in the notary's office that I, not having a share of property registered to myself, have nothing to pass on by inheritance.

The husband began to secretly look for buyers for the garden plot. I considered his behavior a betrayal and filed fordivorce with division of property. Fifth year of litigation. The property was divided, the divorce is ahead. We are already 76 years old. Married 52 years, we hate each other. He - for the property selected by me in court. I am for not masculine attitude towards myself on his part.

Severe old age. Loneliness . Now I have one universal interest: to whom I will bequeath the dacha. My suffering has become a five-year series of my knowledge of human meanness, resourcefulness, deceit, to which there can be no timebeloved adorable man. According to the results of the courts, he test-antibiotic.com is unfair and wrong everywhere. How could I have been blind and so trusting for over 50 years!

And now it’s even worse: I noticed that my heart has become stone and I don’t trust anyone ... NO ONE. Except God.

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