My parents ignore my problems

My parents ignore my problems
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I think I'm seriousproblems . It’s impossible to contact people at all, and this really interferes with life. I have no friends or acquaintances, I don’t communicate with anyone at school, I’m constantly silent, and as a result they don’t pay attention to me.

Wherever I go, I just can’t overcome myself and just start talking. I just can’t and it’s like I’m speechless. As a result, I don’t join any company, I always remain alone.

But that would be fine. I can’t ride a minibus or taxi, I can’t go to a store and buy something, I can’t ask again if I didn’t hear. And so it is in everything. Everything that implies at least some kind of communication, even a couple of stock phrases - all this is inaccessible to me.

I only leave the house to go to school and back. I always feel like people judge and criticize, even when they don't. And I understand that I needhelp , but even just calling and making an appointment with a psychologist - I can’t I asked my mother for help to take me to the doctor, she promised to do this and in the end did nothing. Allmy family thinks my problems are nonsense.

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