My parents force me to do programming.

My parents force me to do programming.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 15 years old. I’m not talking to my parents right now, or rather, they’re not talking to me. And all because my dad forces me to do programming - “it will be useful in the future,” in his words.

I don’t deny that it will be useful, yes. But I have no soul for this activity. All this lasts more than 3 years. From the very beginning I didn’t want to do this, but I did it because of my dad, so that he wouldn’t give up on me.

It also happened that one day, when I was about 13,Father says in the morning: “Get in the car.” At that time, he and I were in a quarrel. I sit down, he takes me to his work, and says in a threatening tone: “Do you want me to hand you over to an orphanage?”

I couldn't say a word because of fear. He asks again, now with a raised tone, I say in a trembling voice: “No.” He slapped me in the face, I got out of the car and walked home. Then he comes home, as if nothing had happened, and asks how I am doing.

I don’t know what should do anymore. This programming is killing me! My parents simply don’t take my interests into account.

I watch anime, my dad thinks it's for gays, without any valid arguments. If I fail in some way, he will scold me and curse me from head to toe with a three-story obscenity. If I say a word with a different intonation than he likes, I get hit on the head with the palm of my hand with such force that my ears ring.

Tell me, I want to get advice on how to get out of this situation. I don't want to do programming. I just want to at least calmly go out and walk with friends. It feels like I have to do something that I don't want to and can't do.

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