I remember my school days with horror

I remember my school days with horror
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I had a terrible time at school. I was the weakest, quietest, most intimidated person, and this was another excellent reason to bully me.

It started in the fifth grade, when the whole class did not do their homework, but I, prepared for the lesson, was told to remain silent, so that  the teacher didn't ask. Why this is, I don’t understand. But when the teacher asked me: “Masha, what was asked?” I readily answered. The result - the teacher asked everyone, everyone except me, since I did everything, they gave unsatisfactory grades, my classmates got really angry with me. Since this all started.

They began to trip my legs, pull my hair, push me, and sometimes in the dining room they deliberately spilled my tea on my dress. The contempt of classmates grew into fierce hatred. I didn’t want to go to school, I begged my mother to transfer me to home schooling, but to no avail. Mom somehow didn’t understand anything and kept saying that I was screwing myself over, I just shouldn’t pay attention. But when I was almost beaten by my test-antibiotic.com classmates in the ninth grade, I finally put an end to it and switched to home schooling.

Now, as an adult woman, I remember with horror how I was bullied.

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