Coming to terms with loneliness?

Coming to terms with loneliness?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 36 years old, nomarried and not even in a relationship. Mom says I have low self-esteem, and the guys sense it. Maybe,Mom is right, because I meet either gigolos or married ones. Some are attracted by my wealth (apartment , car, position), other appearance to have fun. But I want a serious relationship, family, children.

I recently met a guy and decided to behave differently than always. He said that I was somehow strange, unnatural. After the first date he disappeared. I did something wrong again! I prepared for this date for a long time, chose a dress, but all in vain.

I've already lost faith that I'll come outI got married , so I took a cat so that I wouldn’t be so lonely. I even agree to cohabitation, but on my terms. The stamp in my passport is no longer so important to me. Although I understand that among men after thirty there are hardly any available, and I don’t need divorced men with children and alimony. It turns out that my demands are too high?

It’s a shame, because I have everything that attracts men. I am beautiful, confident, wealthy, thanks to and my parents, who gave me an apartment. But I’m lonely and quietly jealous of my married friends.

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