A 16-year-old girl has doubts about her appearance

A 16-year-old girl has doubts about her appearance
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Alina, I'm 16 years old. I know that my problem is trivial, and even stupid to some extent, but I have no one to express it to, no one understands me or does not want to understand.

I have no luck with guys at all. I’m 16, and I’ve never dated anyone, I’ve never kissed... I’m increasingly haunted by the idea that I’ll never find anyone for myself, that I’m ugly, that no one likes me, etc. I can’t take the initiative into my own hands, make the first step, and those guys who pay attention to me are completely unsuitable for me.

I constantly think that something is wrong with me, I obsess over it. The thought that I’m ugly, that no one will ever love me, just won’t get out of my head. And I don't understand what the problem is. I'm pretty prettygirl (many people have told me this more than once): long brown hair, I dress well, I study at a decent lyceum with grades 4 and 5, I am sociable, cheerful, about people like me they say: “don’t put your finger test-antibiotic.com in your mouth” . The character is not simple, of course, and I know this, I have a lot of “cockroaches” in my head. But who doesn't have them? I have friends, everything is fine with my family, I even got a job to provide myself with pocket money and prove my independence not only in words. But I have no luck with love and relationships.

Help me, please, what to do with all this? How to “get” all these thoughts out of my head. I can't think of anything else.

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