Odd man

Odd man
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I worked together with a fairly old and intelligent man. We had good onesrelationship . Everything was nice.

But one day he abruptly quit, and I was on the verge of dismissal (according to management, one employee in a department is not a good thing). He promised to help me, wrote that he would contact his friends about my employment. I began to wait.

A month later, I decided to call him myself. But he didn’t even recognize my voice, he sighed that I was in such an unpleasant situation now, and again promised to help. Now I'm looking for a job myself.

It just doesn’t fit in my head why, with all my attention, respect and nobility towards him, he repaid me with indifference and cynicism? Well, that’s right: I’m nothing to him now, my professional status (in the professional sphere, when they communicate as a person, they see not the person, but his position) is lost to me, there’s nothing to take from me now, there’s no benefit. I wonder what kind of psychological type of men this is?

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