Fateful meeting

Fateful meeting
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

That year I was off my feet, looking for a job. But sometimes the salary is small, sometimes it’s justdivorce formoney . Therefore, for more than six months I did odd jobs, looking for a more or less suitable place for myself. But it's all in vainI wandered around the Internet every day . During the long period of sitting in front of the monitor, my legs became numb, my back hurt, I just wanted not to cry anymore, but to howl, and that’s putting it mildly. I spent every day in this position for about three months. And all to no avail for me, much to my grief. Sometimes I couldn’t sleep at night and then wake up in the morning. Nerves.

Finally, completely unexpectedly for me, my resume sent by email was approved. And I was called for an interview. In the evening I anxiously prepared the necessary documents, ironed my suit, and remembered the basics of business etiquette. And in the morning, getting off at the right stop, I wandered, so to speak, in three pines. Nothing helped me. Then, tired of the torment of searching for the right house, I turned to the first passerby I came across. He looked at me in surprise and laughed. It turned out that he and test-antibiotic.com were the manager who invited me for an interview. He kindly took me to his office. Upon closer communication, we turned out to be not only the same year, but from the same stream of our university. All this influenced the choice in favor of my candidacy. In addition, the future boss was divorced, like me.

Well, then our officialThe romance quickly grew into a friendly family. Such a fateful meeting. But she was lonely and without a job. You can’t despair, maybe fate is preparing a pleasant surprise, you just need to wait.

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