Wedding or travel?

Wedding or travel?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I dated a guy for three years, everything was fine, but over time hethe attitude towards me changed and we broke up. I think that I simply idealized him before, until he showed his character. I was offended, but my classmate supported me, we met by chance on the street, talked and began to communicate, and met occasionally. At first I just wanted to take my mind off my problems so that I couldforget your unlucky oneLove . It seemed to me that Maxim also treated me as a friend, but over time I realized that he loved me and was immediately even confused. I feel at ease and comfortable with him, he is attentive, with a sense of humor, but when he proposed to me, I refused. She said that she was not yet ready for a serious relationship, especially for marriage. Maxim said that he would wait and would not rush into an answer.

This went on for more than a year, we continued to meet, spent a lot of time together, and somehow unnoticed by me, my friendly attitude towards him also grew into love. He introduced me to his parents, they liked me, and we began to prepare for the wedding. I plunged headlong into planning this ceremony and creating a festive menu. I wanted my wedding to be beautiful and unique and to be remembered by both of us as the happiest day of our lives. Max didn’t have such enthusiasm, and at first I didn’t attach any importance to it, but when we went to buy rings, he said that he wanted to talk to me about the wedding. Maxim suggested not organizing a magnificent celebration, but simply spending thesemoney for a honeymoon, which, in his opinion, is a little more pleasant than a wedding and will be remembered for a long time.

This came as a surprise to me, I was offended and for the first time we almost quarreled, but Maxim said that he was not against the wedding, but simply offered the best option, but if I did not agree, then he would do it as I wanted. Everything fell into place, I continued preparing, I had already chosen the dress I wanted, but Max’s proposal haunts me. Having calculated how much money was needed for a wedding celebration, I began to wonder whether all this was worth starting. I haven’t said anything to anyone yet, but I can’t decide what to do: show off for one day at my wedding in a beautiful dress with a lot of strangers, or spend this money on going on vacation with my loved one abroad?

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