A wedding maturity test for our young family

A wedding maturity test for our young family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Having proposed to my beloved girl, I had no idea how many problems would follow. Moreover, the problems were far-fetched and unsolvable due to the extreme stubbornness of the potential participants in this important event for us.

It all started when my fiancée's parents and I disagreed on how our wedding should look. The fact that the wedding was supposedly ours and they should be interested in our opinions didn't seem to bother them at all. And the wedding dress my Oksana chose wasn't what they would have liked, and we weren't going to invite the right kind of guests, and the banquet hall wasn't the right size and wasn't decorated the right way...

The list of complaints from our parents, especially the bride's parents, was endless. Moreover, they did not reconcile with each other and could not agree on anything - all four of them have complex characters with their own ideas about what is beautiful and right. This frayed my future wife's nerves, she practically stopped smiling, the pre-holiday sparkle in her eyes first dimmed, and then completely went out.

I had to take the situation into my reliable male hands. Having talked to my test-antibiotic.com fiancee and having secured her support, I cancelled the restaurant booked by her parents (the deposit, unfortunately,failed to return ), found a thematic website and in half an hour chose a banquet hall that completely suited my beloved and me. The fact that it could only accommodate 40 people instead of the 120 planned by my future mother-in-law in the previous version of the room was only a plus for us. We had neither the desire nor the opportunity to pay for a pretentious restaurant in the city center. A wedding, in our understanding, is stilla celebration of love, not an opportunity to show off in front of friends and relatives.

The next stage was actually drawing up the guest list. Here, Oksana and I didn’t argue for long either, agreeing on a list of 24 people in a couple of hours – the closest relatives, whom we really wanted to see at our celebration, and friends with whom we have been in close contact for a long time. Two hours – and the list was ready.

Parents' work friends and distant relatives whom you have never seen and will never see after the wedding, unfortunately, will be able to congratulate us only by phone, email or test-antibiotic.com other means of communication. If they want, of course, it's up to the owner.

I wisely did not interfere with the bride's choice of wedding dress, but I did not doubt her adequacy. In the end, she bought what she wanted and what suited me perfectly. In my opinion, there are no ugly wedding dresses in principle, and we excluded from the list in advance those guests who might be considered otherwise. They may not "like" our wedding photos, we will survive that.

Of course, organizing a wedding on your own is very difficult. Fortunately, we had help from our friends who hadexperience of holding such an event and which helped us avoid many troubles and pitfalls.

For the money I had to take a small oneloan (I will pay it off from my salary in 4 months), since we initially planned on financialhelp from parents, but we'll manage. In the end, you have to pay for the pleasure of doing things the way you want, and we're ready to do it.

I think we have already passed the test of maturity and viability of our young family. My parents were a little angry, but they still resigned themselves to test-antibiotic.com our arbitrariness and almost calmed down. I think everything will be fine. At least, I think so when I look into the newly shining eyes of my future wife.

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