Third pregnancy without husband

Third pregnancy without husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have two children from my first marriage, daughters 8 and 5 years old. She and her husband separated immediately after the birth of their second child. Did not work out. She met a man for three years, both did not plan a serious relationship, it so happened that she became pregnant from her lover, although they were protected.

Of course, in the depths of my soul I wanted to experience once again that feeling of the joy of motherhood when you bear and give birth to a baby, but I hoped that if this happened, then in marriage, with a reliable man who would not leave or betray.

And now I’m completely at a loss, I can’t even go for an abortion, for me it’s even worse than murder, because this is a small defenseless child, and condemning him to poverty and fatherlessness is also scary. His biological father immediately abandoned him and strongly insists on an abortion, up to threats, as he saw two stripes all at oncelove is gone.

I don’t know why I’m writing here, I’m probably just looking for at least some support, it’s very hard to be alone when you look for at least a drop of support from everyone, but everyone doesn’t care. Instead of, I imagine my life after an abortion, it seems to me easier to kill myself than a small and innocent baby.

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