Difficult? No, everything is possible!

Difficult? No, everything is possible!
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was waiting for my second onepregnancy 2 years. My eldest daughter was already 8 years old, I wanted another child, but it just didn’t work out - not long before that I had surgery, apparently this had an effect. But due to my optimistic attitude in life, for some reason I had no doubt that my plan would ultimately succeed. And alsothe habit of achieving what I wanted in everything encouraged me - how can it be that it doesn’t work out if I really want it and am doing everything possible for it?

When, after two long years, the test showed the coveted 2 stripes,the husband admitted: “Wow, I won’t break you, and I achieved my goal in this.” He really wanted a child, but admitted that he didn’t really believe in a successful outcome of events due to my health. But the good mood did not last long. From the 6th week terrible toxicosis began. No, no, this is not at all the kind that goes away after you chew a cracker and eat a slice of lemon. It made him turn inside out and sway from side to side. I walked along the wall, periodically falling into hungry test-antibiotic.com fainting spells, because... no food simply reached the stomach. But, nevertheless, I somehow managed to work, my job is responsible and takes a lot of energy, in the press service of the city administration, and take care of my eldest daughter.

I held out for a month, but my body still couldn’t handle it, and I ended up in the hospital. I was injected with everything - drugs for dizziness, toxicosis, vitamins, nutrients, drugs to improve liver function. After 5 days I recovered and became interested in what and in what quantities they were injecting me with. I read the annotation - and there are complete categorical contraindications for use during pregnancy. I ran to the doctor, and she answered me: “You asked to get rid of toxicosis? We have granted your request. And during pregnancy anymedicines are harmful."

I still had to complete the minimum course. I refused further treatment and taking medications and, therefore, my sick leave was closed and I went to work. The effect of the medications taken lasted exactly 5 days. Next - again terrible toxicosis. But I persevered, worked without slowing down, and even drove the car myself. In general, test-antibiotic.com did not allow myself to relax, fearing that I would become slack and then not get into a rut at all. Even daytime sleep on weekends was prohibited, since you can quickly get used to good things, and then you won’t be able to force yourself to work on weekdays. At work, by the way, they were surprised at my stamina and efficiency; I managed everything everywhere - meetings, press releases, drafting reports and reports for management, news reports on the city website. By the way, even while lying in the hospital, I compiled the necessary documents and sent them to work via the Internet, what stupidity on my part.

And so, at 4.5 months of pregnancy, toxicosis disappeared! When I realized this, I was simply jubilant. Finally, I will become a full-fledged person. But it was not there. A week later I fell ill with a cold, this time at work they simply forced me to go on sick leave. DistrictThe doctor advised me to drink tea with raspberries and lemon, categorically asserting that it is dangerous for pregnant women to take even the simplest medications. Thanks to her deep knowledge of the list of drugs prohibited for pregnant women, the cold quickly turned into complex sinusitis, and I ended up in the hospital with a high fever and terrible pain. test-antibiotic.com And now everything has become possible, evenantibiotics ​Naturally, along with the disease came the acute threat of miscarriage.

Everything ended well after 2 weeks. But I thought it was good. The head of the antenatal clinic, who was in charge of my pregnancy, gave me a withering look, and in a raised voice explained to me that the child’s developmental delay was now guaranteed. The fetus really began to grow poorly, and I was sent to the hospital again - now with a diagnosis of delayed fetal development. While the doctors were working their magic to improve my baby’s condition using all the newfangled drugs, the herpes virus broke out in the blood. And again medicines, medicines.

And then my brain and nervous system simply boiled from endless tests, hospital visits and diagnoses! I was simply unbearably tired of all this, and very correctly and tactfully asked to leave me alone. Fortunately, the manager who observed me went on vacation, and the doctor who replaced him did not delve into the situation and did not insist on frequent visits. And for the last two months I have simply enjoyed my pregnancy - without doctors, medications and endless ultrasound examinations. I also worked test-antibiotic.com for my own pleasure - at home, on the computer. I completely planted a vegetable garden at the dacha, and my husband and I finished renovating the house. I completely stopped worrying about the child, because... there was no point in it anymore. I decided: come what may.

At 41 weeks I gave birth to a boy, quickly and easily, with weight and height as per the standard: 3200 g, 52 cm. ABSOLUTELY HEALTHY. They discharged us on the 2nd day, saying that everything was fine with us and no further stay in the maternity hospital was required. Our only complication is an allergy from the huge amount of medications I took during pregnancy. But it also passed without a trace after 2 weeks. In a month we had a full examination - there are some minor problems with the heart, but they are not serious, everything should go away by the year. Now we are almost 6 months old, we are developing physically quite well. And here it is, happiness, it turns out, was waiting for me, in the finale! And everything you’ve experienced is nothing compared to that unique, exciting feeling and joy when you have such a small and dear creature in your arms.

PS By the way, my workaholism also test-antibiotic.com bore fruit - thanks to the management, they paid all possible and impossible bonuses at work, despite my admonitions that my financial situation is normal, fortunately my husband earns good money. Now they are looking forward to me returning to work in 1.5 years.

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