Each of us has our own understanding of happiness

Each of us has our own understanding of happiness
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Everyone has their own opinion abouthappiness . For some, it’s family; for others, it’s just living in this world. And my happiness is watching anime and TV series, as you understand, I’m an otaku and a movie fan.

Movies and TV series teach us kindness and love, they make us believe, even if for a couple of minutes, that the world is ideal, even if it is not, but not only that, they show us the whole essence of the world, the bad and the good. They make us think and try to achieve the ideal, but as we all know in the world there is no absolutely bad and absolutely good, everything in this world maintains balance in this world there is both, but we can try to do better and make this world a little more ideal .

Since childhood I had everything except love. My parents did not refuse me anything, but I was never able to feel love from them, like from others; to be more precise, they tried to pretend that they loved, but it is difficult to portray what is not there. At the age of 12, I test-antibiotic.com met a guy and fell head over heels in love. We started dating, but he also left me, and even so, those three months were the best of my life.

I thought so, after the breakup I changed a lot, but at first it was hard, but then it became easier. But I could no longer love someone. It's amazing howlife goes on as usual, and then in the blink of an eye it changes dramatically. I lived a meaningless life until everything changed. One day, out of boredom, I started watching an anime, it was my first anime, I really liked it. Then I felt that I was not alone. I will never forget this feeling, the feeling of being born again.

My first anime was Fairy Tail. Then I started watching others, I watched quite a lot, so there were few left that I wouldn’t watch. But this was not enough for me, so I decided to create my own group insocial networks so that people like me can find their best anime. It all started with test-antibiotic.com of five people, and then I started trying harder, trying to give fame to my group so that everyone could find what is dear to them. I continue to do this to this day.

Who said that to be happy you have to love someone? You can live happily even if you love what you do, the world is already difficult. Gale Forman said: “Life is a terrible, terrible mess and that’s the beauty of it.” That’s right: it’s much more interesting to sort out the mess, learn something new about this world, instead of living life in vain. Live the way you yourself want, value life, because in the end we will all die. What will remain after us? Memories. Every minute spent in this world will remain in your memory and the memory of other people. Try to leave a piece of yourself to the world when you leave this world, because this is the greatest happiness. This is my story.

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