My girlfriend and I have a disagreement about the baptism of our children.

My girlfriend and I have a disagreement about the baptism of our children.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Vova, I recently turned 18 years old. I have a girlfriend , or rather I had one, we broke up yesterday. We've known each other for a year, I'm very used to her, I'm ready to do anything for her, but not this.

In general, everything went well, I fell in love with her on the Internet. It may seem stupid, but is distance a hindrance to relationships? It seems to me that, on the contrary, it strengthens us very much, although it is difficult that we are far away and cannot see each other often.

Like all couples, we talked about everything, discussed where we would live. We decided that it was in my city. They even decided that I wouldn’t take her to my place right away, since I don’t have my own place to live, but that I would come.

I found out that she was an atheist and it upset me, because I believe in God. I don’t keep fasts, I don’t often go to church, but I often pray for everything that the Almighty will givehappiness to those who give me a smile every single day.

Everything was very good, I prayed for her too, that the Almighty would forgive her sins, I am very afraid for her, because I love her very much. And over time, I got used to the fact that she is an atheist, I got used to all her bad actions, the swear words that she likes to use in conversation and her bad thoughts.

We talked about children, how many of them we would have, and what we would call them. But yesterday it so happened that the conversation turned to my faith, and mythe girl Victoria said that she would not allow our children to be baptized. When I read this, I felt bad, I didn’t know how to take it all, and what to respond to it, and I was very upset. Victoria stood her ground, and I said that I couldn’t live like this without baptizing the children, but I couldn’t convince her.

She didn’t want to understand how important this was for me, although I told her that we would baptize, and the time would come, they would grow up and make their own decision to believe them or not. There was a categorical answer: “I WILL NOT ALLOW”! I don’t know what to do, I want to make peace with her, and I want to come to an agreement on this issue.

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