A time of downcast eyes and unhearing ears

A time of downcast eyes and unhearing ears
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Over the past year, I began to feel somehow uncomfortable on the street. For a long time I couldn’t understand what annoyed me, what had changed. I recently realized that I can’t see eyes at all, I don’t catch glances. Everyone wanders like in that chocolate advertisement with an unusual cow (I don’t write the name so as not to advertise).

Most residents of large cities (I can’t say for the whole country) probably know every crack in the asphalt along the way from home to work. I’m extremely interested, are these people really not at all interested in what’s happening around them? What's going on with these people? In this “zombie hike” all age categories are represented, from schoolchildren to pensioners. And especially many among the wandering girls.

I also very often read on forums that men have completely forgotten how to meet people. Maybe it is so, I do not claim to be the truth in the first instance. But it is very important for me to see the face and lookgirls , eye expression. And how many men’s hearts were caught in the gaze of women’s eyes.

I’m also very interested in the situation, you saw a girl in the crowd,love from test-antibiotic.com at first sight or just liked it, take a deep breath, walk towards her, and she’s wearing headphones... and what to do next, with a gesture or touch to ask to take off the headphones to give a compliment?

Let's raise our eyes and open our ears - because the world is beautiful!

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