Coldness and disgust towards her husband because of his behavior

Coldness and disgust towards her husband because of his behavior
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I finally realized that my opinion in the new family means nothing. They do whatever they want without even asking my opinion.

I always came to any holidays, to all events, and never missed it. But I thought, at least in mythey won’t touch me on my birthday or they’ll ask me personally in case I have plans for that day. Suddenly I wanted to have a romantic dinner with my husband, to finally be alone, since we rarely succeed (we live with our mother-in-law), or to go out with friends, or meet with our parents. They didn’t even take an interest in this, they just started setting their own conditions. At first they told us to come and sit during the day. I thought the evening would be free, and I would decide for myself. Then we decided to do it in the evening, since everyone was working. And after that I was very offended that they didn’t even call my parents to be polite.

Now after all this,My husband said the other day: “The two of us will get out and no one else.” I don't even feel like it after all this. I realized that I will always be in the last place.

I'll explain the situation. In this family, granny commands and always decides for everyone herself. I realized this only after marriage. My husband always promised me before marriage that we would always make any decisions ourselves, and no one would interfere. But in the end, this is not the case.

I wanted to make my husband understand and said: “next year I don’t want this, and I myself will decide what to do.” The answer surprised me: “I can tell you with certainty that next year will be like this and you won’t be able to do anything. Whatever grandma says, so it will be.”

And now I have only coldness and disgust for my husband. That I never even feel protection from him, understanding and support.

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