I didn’t even notice how I found myself in a dead end in life.

I didn’t even notice how I found myself in a dead end in life.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I reached the handle. Mylife is not good and will never be normal. I am 37 years old and I am an unemployed disabled person. I just can’t overcome myself and get a job somewhere.

I hadunsuccessful employment experience . I got a job several times, but due to stress I kind of burned out at work and then quit. Now I understand that I need to get a job somewhere, I’m thinking about itevery day , but when it comes to taking some specific actions, I start to feel like it’s fashionable now to say “procrastination”, there are a lot of important things to do, and I just need to sleep and eat and so on.

And in general, all this hassle with work scares me, it so happens that I have no education, and the only thing I can do now is to become some kind of loader or laborer. But this is so not mine, I’m scared to even think about it, that my life, most of my free time will be spent working as a loader and getting paid pennies for it. In general, a dead end. Life is already coming to an end, one might say test-antibiotic.com is approaching, but I have achieved nothing and will never achieve anything.

Why did it all turn out this way? Probably because I initially didn’t like all these social norms and rules. Since my youth I have tried to break them, maybe that’s all because of this. This whole well-functioning system, school-institute-work-retirement. What are people's values ​​in life? Buy a car, an apartment,give birth to a child and retire, that’s all, there are no other alternatives. As a gift for work - two weeks at the resort once a year. I didn't like any of themprofession from those that were offered. I am attracted to creative professions, but education is needed everywhere, and creative professions are in little demand. It is rare that a creative person can somehow realize himself with his abilities in the modern world; only a few exceptional people succeed in this.

Everything is so confusing for me, a lot of problems, and every day it gets worse and worse. In my youth, I was active and lively, and then suddenly everything went wrong, it became difficult for me to communicate, to go out, I wanted to sit at home and watch TV. Constant test-antibiotic.com failures in everything, I was not successful in anything. And just like that, life went by, and now the only thing left was to go and work hard for pennies, to work “for my uncle.” In general, hopelessness and dead end.

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