I just wanted a family

I just wanted a family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

At the age of 26, I became a widow with a small child, it was hard, I had no time for myself. So we lived together with our daughter.

When my daughter turned 13, I met a man. I didn’t let him in for a long time, but he tried very hard. Honestly, I’ve never seen anything like this: vows were waiting everywhere. And out of long loneliness over all the years, I let him in. We started dating (I have a problem - I get used to people very quickly). And then I fell in love and he tells me that he is married. And I’m already head over heels in love with him.

I thought that we could at least just date. Then my pride hurts, I began to insist on breaking up, but he flatly says he loves only me. But still, one day I said that’s it, it’s the end of our relationship. And then the call came: “I’m coming to live with you.” I was so happy that I would have it toothe family I always wanted...

So we began to live together. They lived for a year, and he began to go to his former test-antibiotic.com wife. We started having scandals, he says that he only loves me and that he doesn’t date his wife. But I felt it and kicked him out. He immediately returned to her, blaming me for everything. I don’t know what he said there, but all my friends turned their backs on me.

I was in excruciating pain to the point of horror, I humiliated myself in front of him and asked him to come back. In rage, she wanted to commit suicide. What didn’t I do! She pestered him and begged him. My heart is so heavy right now.

I don’t know how to survive this. I just wanted a family...

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