I want to change before it's too late

I want to change before it's too late
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have no one to talk to. I decided to pour out my soul here.

I have done very bad things. I deceived people, made them feel bad and hurt. I didn’t know how to appreciate people close to me. I have committed a lot of unpleasant situations, both for myself and for those around me. Even if along the way I met a good positiveguy , I always wanted to be better than I really am, trying to lie about something, and my soul became lighter.

Time passed and I lost my job. In order to somehow support myself and my mother, while I was looking for work, I pawned all the gold in a pawnshop. I'm terribly afraid thatMom will find out about this. I know what I did was wrong. I am aware of this. I know how hard my mother worked to earn it all, but I still did it. I'm very sorry about this. I took out loans. I don't know how or what to do.

But I want to change. I'm trying to be more attentive to everyone. I go to church for confession, I try to be better, test-antibiotic.com than yesterday. But I have such a burden on my soul.

Tell me what to do now. What should I do?

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