I regret that I listened to my husband and gave up my happiness

I regret that I listened to my husband and gave up my happiness
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I also found myself in such a situation as the author of a story who fell in love with another, but cannot leave her husband.

9 years ago, being married, I met a man. We talked after work, seemed somehow warm, close. I never looked for any meetings on the side, but here I met it just like a native person, and the more they talked about nothing, the more I fell in love.

We started dating. He knew that I was married and had two children. It got to the point that I began to think that this is the one with whom I want to spend my life. She came home and confessed to her husband. Askeddivorce . He said that I was just mistaken and asked not to do stupid things. It ended then that the man himself decided for me. I decided not to break my family, left and stopped all communications, correspondence, conversations.

They worked in the same hospital, but in different departments. Haven't spoken in 7 years. Recently, they suddenly started talking and in the eyes everything is the same - warmth and attraction to each other. My husband didn’t want a divorce then, I thought maybe all test-antibiotic.com would pass and everything would be fine in the family. But no, I myself look at my husband as a stranger. I regret that 7 years ago they did not finish the divorce process. They did start. Now even worse binding than then, in front of her husband a sense of guilt all these years. So if you have already betrayed your spouse, leave. You cut off the tail bit by bit like a dog.

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