Familiar symptoms

Familiar symptoms
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We have been married for over 20 years. My wife and I are 8 years apart. I have always been 100% confident in my wife. He himself never cheated, unless he flirted verbally, but within the limits of decency.

About a year ago, I began to notice changes in my wife’s behavior: she changed her hairstyle, her skirts were shortened, she always had her phone with her in silent mode,sex is boring and rare. Started to torment mejealousy and overcome suspicions, although I told myself that it was me who was fooling myself and the real oneA man shouldn't do that. But then I decided that it was better to find out the bitter truth than to be tormented by suspicions all the time.

I bought a fountain pen-dictaphone on the Internet and slipped it into my wife’s purse (fortunately it was never in order). I listened to it a week later...

At first I wanted to hang myself, then I wanted to kill the lovers, but I felt sorry for my daughters. OneThe wife's lover was 11 years younger than her, the others were 10-11 older. In a moment, belovedin my eyes, my wife turned from an angel into a mediocre whore.

She cried, asked for forgiveness, came up with excuses for herself (she didn’t pay attention, didn’t appreciate her as a woman, test-antibiotic.com had accumulated a lot of grievances, etc.). I have forgiven. I love her, all of herloved life .

The next six months were difficult, but it seemed to have calmed down. But then I look at her and again I notice that the same social networks started before midnight, there are no SMS messages in her phone at all, she’s all kind of detached and thoughtful. In a word, familiar symptoms. I do not know what to do. Of course, it would be easy to give advice to someone else, but I can’t decide anything for myself. Unless he just spoke out.

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