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  • How to stop drinking: tips and tricks
    Alcohol addiction is one of the most common problems in the world. Most people suffering from this disease do not know how tostop drinking and return to normal life. In this article, we will talk about how you can overcome alcohol addiction and start living a new life. 1. Admit your problem The fir....
  • How Oleg started to stop drinking
    Oleg was an ordinary guy who liked to spend time with friends and relax after work in the company of alcohol. He did not think that his habit of alcohol could adversely affect his health and life in general. However, after several years of such a life, Oleg began to notice that his health was deteri...
  • Where to start... How to stop drinking...
    Quitting drinking is a difficult but possible process. For many people, alcohol has become a habit that becomes an integral part of their lives. However, drinking can lead to serious health, social and financial problems. If you want to stop drinking , then the following tips can help you achieve th...
  • How to stop drinking...
    Quitting drinking is a difficult but possible process. For many people, alcohol has become a habit that becomes an integral part of their lives. However, drinking can lead to serious health, social and financial problems. If you want to stop drinking , then the following tips can help you achieve th...
  • How Roman stopped drinking
    Roman is a middle-aged man who has suffered from alcohol addiction for a long time. Every day he consumed a large amount of alcohol, which negatively affected his health and relationships with loved ones. However, everything changed when Roman had a daughter. For Roman, the daughter was a real turni...