My grandmother gave me the powers of a witch, from which I now suffer.

My grandmother gave me the powers of a witch, from which I now suffer.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 27 years old, I have two daughters,husband . Thank God, there is where to live and what to live on, but there is one “but”: I have inexplicable abilities for magic, which I inherited from my grandmother. I’ve been living like this for 5 years now, and the further I go, this whole damn thing is gaining momentum.

I grew up in a large and very poor family. There are five of us parents, I am the middle one. I didn’t go to kindergarten, but I studied very well at school. Next is collegeuniversity andfamily .

My paternal grandmother seemed to be a good person, but few people talked to her, everyone was afraid of her and considered her a witch (and a black one). Evenmy mother and myselfher father somehow avoided her. When my grandmother fell ill (she was about 75 years old), my parents had to take her in, and I had to help, look after her, and I even became friends with her. She died 6 months later. That's where it all started.

Everyone says that her magical abilities were passed on to me, and I kind of see it myself, but the reason is,, that I don’t want to have them. I am a believer (I got it from my motherlove for God) and have a very negative attitude towards all this. But there was this case: I dreamed of a person’s funeral, and three days later he really dies. And, most often, not by death or at a very young age. And such prophetic mystical dreams happen to me 3-4 times a month. And here’s another thing: I see the souls of the dead, and I can talk to them.

I understand how it all sounds, but I have a healthy, stable psyche, although when it all just started, I myself thought that my roof was leaking and was gone. At first my husband joked about this, and now sometimes he’s even afraid of me (he himself admitted that it’s sometimes hard to hear my stories in my sleep even at night).

I'm tired and don't want to live with this. I read the Bible, I pray, but I don’t know how to live further. It is very difficult to foretell trouble for people, to warn them of impending troubles, but keeping it to yourself is even more difficult. I understand,, that this is all a big sin, but it’s kind of a dead end.

I accidentally quarreled with one of my neighbors, and somehow involuntarily wished her harm. She has two adult sons and on the same day they died in an accident. And I'm afraid that it was I who killed them. I lost almost all my friends, somehow even my mother began to shun me. Psychologists, having learned about my problem, do not take on me, the priests shrug their shoulders. I'll either go crazy, or I'll stay alone and then I'll definitely go crazy. The children are still small and still understand little, but in kindergarten they are already asking their daughter: “Is it true that your mother is a witch?”

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