Insensitive and passive husband's parents

Insensitive and passive husband's parents
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Meeting the parentsMy husband passed away like in a fairy tale, I had extremely positive emotions. HisMom is a very open, sociable person, we almost started talking on the phoneevery day I came to visit. Everything was great until the moment of marriage and pregnancy came...

Let's start with the fact that the future mother-in-law immediately said that we don't need a wedding, we can sign from the backyard, we don't have money, and anyway, why spend extra money. My parents had a different opinion. The father said: “I have the onlydaughter and she will come outget married the way you’re supposed to, I’ll bear all the expenses for the wedding if you don’t have the opportunity.” That's what they decided on.

The pre-wedding bustle began: mother, grandmother, godmother - everyone was absorbed in the worries of the wedding celebration, looking for a suitable restaurant, sorting through the menu, looking for a toastmaster, photographer, cameraman, etc. In general, we tried to make sure everything was in the best possible way. My mother-in-law sat at home and didn’t care about anything at all. She could only call and give valuable instructions on what needed to be done. I attributed her behavior to the fact that she had not yet realized that shemy son is getting married, I couldn’t gather my thoughts and take at least some step in preparing for the wedding.

Literally immediately after the wedding, we began to think about our own home, because... my mother-in-law said that she loves us, but she won’t be able to get along with us. My mother immediately said that we would live with her until we got our own. At that moment I was alreadypregnant

A month later, my husband, my parents and I came to visit my mother-in-law and father-in-law to discuss the apartmentquestion . And we received promises in response that both the first and second parents would help us through joint work. A month later we took out a mortgage - a 3-room apartment without finishing. My parents gave their all: renovations, furniture, kitchen units, etc. from A to Z. The newly made relatives said: “she hashusband , let him do everything.” Is it okay that “her husband” is their son? I think thatthe man should have brought his wife into his house, and not moved in with his mother-in-law. But I turned a blind eye to this again.

Next, our thoughts were occupied by the appearance of our son. 9 months passed, he was bornchild and it seems that all the grievances have faded into the background. But that was not the case: my husband’s relatives didn’t even come to the maternity hospital to meet their first grandson, they said that it was expensive for them to take a taxi, and you don’t have room in the car, so we’ll see you later when you’re home. But no one came to our home for a month.

We went to visit them ourselves and brought our grandson. It seemed to me that everything was getting better again. But no, this was the first and last time they saw him at the moment (the child is one and a half years old).

At the same time, renovations were going on in the new apartment, and I had to go to the markets with my mother and child, do repairs, supervise the workers, because... my husband was constantly at work. My mother-in-law, understanding all this perfectly, never even once offered to babysit my grandson so that I wouldn’t have to take him with me.

When the renovation of was completed and we moved, financial difficulties arose - no one canceled the mortgage, loans, utilities and food for us and the child. I received an offer from friends to go to work with a very good salary. My mother immediately said that she would help us with our son, and invited my mother-in-law to sit with her grandson 2 through 2, because... she had a work schedule like this (and her mother-in-law didn’t work, and doesn’t even know what work is). To which they again received a refusal: “I’m not a grandmother,” “he has a mom and dad,” in general, she didn’t agree.

My mother quits her job and takes over everything completely while my husband and I are at work. The mother-in-law calls periodically and gives instructions on how to raise, what to feed, how to wash. I don’t pay attention to this and try not to stress myself out so as not to provoke a scandal with my husband.

After some time, the husband expressed his indignation to them: why don’t they act like grandparents? A conflict occurred, as a result of which we did not communicate for almost six months. On New Year's Eve , they still received congratulations from them, a conversation ensued, where we again turned out to be bad and dishonest, and again we don’t communicate. Sometimes there were calls, but no one even asked: “how is the grandson doing?” There were exclusively complaints and moralizing.

My patience ran out and I expressed my resentment to my husband, for him, for myself, for my son, and in general, why is this attitude towards us? We never deprived them of attention, we gave them gifts, but what happens to us in the end?

Just the other day it was my husband's birthday . They called, congratulated me, and after that they thought that everything had worked out and started calling as if nothing had happened. Again, they are not at all interested in the grandson, they only told how well everything was going for them, how they went on vacation, what plans they had, etc. In bewilderment, I started a conversation with my husband, to which I heard that they were not doing anything wrong and in general it was my fault that they did not communicate.

I'm in complete despair. The husband either doesn’t notice or doesn’t want to notice that his parents don’t care how we live, what we live on, what the child eats. Conflicts have become more frequent, and I don’t understand how to save peace between me and my husband. Maybe I'm thinking wrong? But is it typical for a mother to behave the way my mother-in-law shows?

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