Without guilt, guilty because of other people's intrigues

Without guilt, guilty because of other people's intrigues
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

How often things don't work out for usrelations with the older generation! But are children always to blame for this?

I am 25 years old. I dated a young man for almost 4 years and were planning a wedding this year. I am a city girl, and he lives in the village (2 km from the city, very close). Initially, I built a good relationship with his parents, I could come and celebrate with themholiday . But a year after the start of the relationship, a conflict situation occurred.

My boyfriend and I were in the house, and his parents were in the yard. I washed the dishes after dinner. The guy didnote that it is necessary to wipe the crumbs off the table. After twisting around, I realized that I didn’t have a single suitable rag at hand, so I asked, what then? The answer amazed me: “But with the rag you just washed the dishes with.” I was surprised: “She’s dirty.” “That’s how it is with us,” was the answer.

It is worth saying that his parents insisted that I live with them in the village, in the same house, they say, this is how we lived and so should you. They both don't workThe guy is a sailor, according to test-antibiotic.com he is not at home for six months, that is, in fact, I have to live with them. And how he then told me that first I should come to the house to live for a year, my parents will look at me, how I will manage the house, the garden, the cattle and also my work at school, and then they will decide whether to marry me. I told him then in that kitchen that things wouldn’t work that way. Yes, in the old days they brought a girl to her parents’ house, but as a wife, and not as a probationary housekeeper for a year.

Apparently, either I spoke loudly, or it was summer and the windows were open, but hethe mother in the yard heard this conversation. From that moment it beganProblems . She took hold of her son, demanding that he leave me now. He refused. Then she took action. I started writing insulting comments on social media. networks, called, expressing themselves exclusively with obscenities and threats. I began to spread rumors around the village, and they smoothly flowed into my small town (the village is only 2 km away and many people know me) that test-antibiotic.com Ia girl of easy virtue (although shemy son was my first and only), and she herself gave birth to him when she was barely 17 years old. She threatened to ruin my career as a teacher, come to school, and distribute intimate photographs (obviously made using Photoshop).

The guy said that he would go to live in the city with me. They took it as if I was egging him on. Last year they made a special mistake and did something nasty to me inbirthday , but for some reason they said that they expected me to contact them. What kind of contact did they want, I have no idea? Last year they began to put pressure on me that I was not suitable for them because of my illness (type 1 diabetes, and they need healthy grandchildren).

And just a month ago she found me again and started writing. In addition to insulting me, she began to threaten me. To be honest, I was silent for three years, did without rudeness, but then I couldn’t resist and answered her rudely, in other words, I sent her the same way as she did to me. Here is test-antibiotic.com and the whole situation.

A guy (27 years old) came just from a flight, they attacked him immediately upon arrival, took his earningsmoney and bought an apartment for ourselves. Naturally, we broke up with the young man. Although we both feel that we were halves of one whole.

So a month passed, but for some reason I began to be tormented by a feeling of guilt. Intellectually, I understand that even if I had not sent her this time, it is unlikely that anything would have changed. Since they had already taken on me, they would not have given me my life, and that the point here is not at all in the rag with which I did not wipe the table, but in the fact that I refused to live by their rules (pass a year-long test for the professional suitability of my wife, illness and the fact that my son did not listen and did not leave me at the first request). But still, somewhere in the depths of my soul, I sometimes ask myself the following question: “Could I have changed something if I had restrained myself at that moment? Or is this the type of people to whom you can’t prove anything?”

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