Unrequited love

Unrequited love
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It's not reallyconfession , but rather my experiences. I got a job six months ago in a large company. It was hard at first, but then everything got better and I got used to it.

We have a big onea team that has several departments. In the first month of work, I accidentally met a very handsome guy. He is tall, dark-haired, athletic, with an Asian appearance. It immediately sank into my thoughts and soul. When he was around, I tried to behave like a company employee with a poker face, but things didn’t work out well. She behaved insecurely, confused her words, and was nervous. In general, I fell in love.

Later I learned from colleagues that he is the head of the company’s internal security department. Tried to find him insocial network and nothing. It's simply not there. As it turned out from girlfriends of colleagues and his acquaintances, he is a socialist. Doesn't use networks at all. Considers them a degradation of society. There is zero information about him. And this is in the 21st century. Secretiveguy , though.

Through his acquaintances and friends I was able to collect information about him. He is single, he is 30 years old, has no children, has his ownapartment in the city center, two cars, test-antibiotic.com country house, some land in the region. He constantly lends money to his friends, and it seems like about 10 people from my department owe him money. He vacations in the summer only in Cyprus. But I also found out something else. He doesn’t have close ties with anyone from the company, doesn’t go anywhere with anyone, and no one knows about his personal life. There seems to be a girl , but no one has seen her. He had only a few at home. This is our CEO and management. All.

I am outwardly well-groomed, I am 24 years old, brown-haired, tall, I go to the gym, everything is with me, as they say. But no matter how hard I try to attract attention, it’s all in vain. Completely ignored. And this is how it turned outattitude towards everyone except the three women he has chosen in the company, with whom he flirts, jokes and speaks casually. This is the chief accountant, who is 40 years old, the cleaning lady, who only cleans his office, and the head of the office, who is 33 years old. How can I get to know him better? There are no mutual acquaintances. Yes, he lives in slightly different circles, but test-antibiotic.com is worth a try. Or not?

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