My ex-wife haunts my husband and blackmails me with his child

My ex-wife haunts my husband and blackmails me with his child
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My current spouse in his second marriage haschild . The child is mentally healthy, but speech disabled. Due to a congenital defect and subsequent surgery, he does not speak, but the speech defect can be corrected with intensive training (this is known from numerous practice). At the same time, the child, who just turned 6 years old, did not visit either a speech therapist or a speech pathologist until he was 5.5 years old. They started visiting after the father applied to the guardianship authorities and the mother refused the father’s help to take part in special support. classes.

The center's staff responded in a very unique way to my father's interest in helping him with this matter. So they said: “You have no right, since the mother is responsible for the child!” But there is no drug treatment to correct such a defect. Only classes with specialists.

Mom is not interested in the issue of progress in speech development, becauseMom receives disability benefits, child care benefits and alimony (20 thousand). Mom never worked (9th grade education), now she is 35 years old. The boy attends kindergarten because does not need special care and is a normal child in terms of development. This mother also has a child from her first marriage (and receives benefits there, but under different headings).

During the time after her divorce from her husband, she successfully survived all thesemoney made repairs and changed furniture in the house, and started adding an extension to the house, as well as changing the wardrobe. For nowThe husband remained temporarily unemployed and joined the stock exchange. Alimony from stock exchanges is, of course, the minimum. Now mom calls her husband and just blows her mind - buy this, buy that. “You will get a child when you buy a suit. You will get a child when you buy such and such a toy.”

Ustill have a husbanddaughter from her first marriage (so Santa Barbara, but thislife ), she lived for 9 years with him and his parents. Mom went to the city for a while and didn’t come. I began to arrange my life there. My husband teaches his daughter for free. This fact especially infuriates his former second wife. Well, me, who fully provides for myself and living together (no problem, I’m interested in earning money myself, without asking or depending on others, I have an interesting and profitable job).

Now this blackmail by a disabled child has begun. And the situation was further intensified by the fact that the boy’s mother became pregnant again. Outside of marriage. She will also have a third child. The husband's son will probably fade into the background. He helps as best he can. But these calls, and even swearing and all sorts of heresy on the phone, it unsettles me. At least for me, I’m not talking about my husband (worried).

In order to understand how adequate my mother is, I will give an example. In the summer, she hired thugs to break into our house and take out the money that her husband owed her, according to her calculations (he has a seasonal job, he works for a few months, and then receives all the earnings, this was precisely the period of work). They mixed up the houses on our street and broke into the neighbors. They beat up a neighbor (it turns out it should have been me) and, having found out in the process that they had made a mistake, they explained the situation, apologized and ran away. Who are they -question . But the topic of who hired them surfaced through word of mouth in the village. I won’t elaborate further on But the ex did not deny that she organized it all.

Of course, advice for men. Consider the percentage of stupidity in the head of the woman who is going to become the mother of your child. Here, through a stupid accident, a boy was born. Now we have to live with this woman all our lives, then she will calm down, then she will interfere in our lives again.

What should I do in this story? I don’t want to help my husband or arrange negotiations with a positive result. Pearls before swine... I can’t pull away either. This concerns me specifically in terms of peace in our family. How to respond to blackmail as a child?

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