My ex-wife ruined my life

My ex-wife ruined my life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My wife and I divorced after 10 years of marriage. We have a child. Over the years we have had quarrels and scandals, and in recent years they have only intensified. I loved her very much and tried in every possible way to save ourmarriage , persuaded her to go to a psychologist, try to make concessions to each other. Now I understand that most of the problems are my own fault, but I just wanted to make her happier. When she asked to buy an apartment in the same building where her parents lived (after allmom is her bestfriend ), when I got a job, which, as it seemed to her, was the most promising, when I stopped communicating with friends who, in her opinion, were no match for me. She beat all these decisions out of me with constant pressure, tears and manipulation.

At first I gave in, but when it got to the point of absurdity (fire my subordinate because of her attractive appearance), I began to resist. I never gave her a reason to be jealous, I was always open and did not hide anything, but there was still no understanding. And so, 10 years later, I packed my things and moved out from her to my parents. I didn’t have money for my own housing, I left her and our child in a joint apartment, paid for it and supported them. I applied fordivorce , although she did not agree for a long time and asked me to return. First she begged, then she threatened. She even sent her brother to me with threats, but I was adamant and they separated us. We agreed that she would not interfere with meetings with her son, and I would continue to support them and live separately.

Six months later I met a woman and we began to live together. exthe wife , having learned about this, seemed to have gone crazy. She began to demand that my share be transferred to her or my son, filed for alimony without telling me (I continued to support them, and she gave the paperwork to her place of work much later, when she had managed to accumulate a debt), and stopped letting me see my son. I even had to submita trial for joint custody, however, this did not bring any results. I saw the child very rarely. One day, after another meeting, I accompanied my son to the apartment and wanted to come in, the kid wanted to show him a new toy. They didn’t want to let me in, and then he left the apartment completelythe man started threatening me. Afterwards, I was awaiting trial on charges of beating my ex-wife. I was shocked. I didn't expect this from her. I didn’t even lay a finger on her, but it was impossible to prove it. And she had a witness, in the person of this very man.

And now, several years have passed. I stopped seeing my son completely, paid child support, and let her buy out her share for 1/4 of the price. Beganhealth problems and urgently neededmoney , so I had to settle for what I had. I simply didn’t have the strength or nerves to fight any further. I broke up with my beloved woman and am now completely alone. And the ex-wife leftgot married and had more children. I often ask myself, is she happy? And what did I spend my life on? What did you do wrong? I know that I am burning myself with my hatred for her, but I cannot let go. She recently sent a message that if I help my son in addition to child support, she will think about our meetings. I almost exploded with rage. Is it really possible, after so many years of living together, to completely lose at least some respect for each other? I hate her.

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