I didn’t love my ex-boyfriend, but I can’t forget

I didn’t love my ex-boyfriend, but I can’t forget
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

These were my first seriousrelationship _ My friend introduced usgirlfriend (at his own request). I didn’t have love or sympathy for him at first sight.

I was 17. He was 23, his name was Zhenya. For a year he courted and wooed. He was a kind of authority in our city. Many were afraid of him. He was popular with the girls. From the first days, he set the condition that without him I could not walk, go to parties and discos, etc. Of course, I didn't take it all seriously. But one of my friends, having learned that I was with him, began to dissuade me, saying that he was a womanizer and changed girls like gloves. Half of the institute (she studied at the same institute as him) are either his former or present. And he doesn’t miss a single skirt.

Of course, I presented this to him. He got offended and left. That same day I went with my friends to a disco. There I met him and immediately decided to leave. But on the way out, his friend stopped me and asked me to wait for Zhenya. All test-antibiotic.com requests to let me go were in vain. Then Zhenya himself came up. He said I was going home immediately. He put me in a taxi and said that he would come for me right away and that I should wait for him at home.

Had arrived. He began to remind me of the conditions that he supposedly set at the beginning and demanded an explanation. I expressed that this doesn’t suit me, and I don’t want to continue my relationship with him anymore. Then he grabbed me and said that it was not I who decided, but he. That he's not some errand boy. I, of course, got angry and sent him a bad word, for which I immediately received a slap in the face (I didn’t know him well then). Then he counted the conditions again on his fingers, which, they say,my friends are not the same, so I should stop with themcommunication . Any parties, discos only with him. No contact with males, etc. and so on.

From these minutes he showed himself. I obeyed him. He could afford to date girls. But he didn’t let me go. I graduated from school. I entered the university. Everywhere in test-antibiotic.com schools and universities there were his acquaintances whom he assigned to me to keep an eye on me. He always found a reason and caused a scandal. I walked around with bruises all the time. Knowing his character, I learned to accept his insults and remained silent. One day we went to his place and they set the table for us (even though it was 11 at night).

I told him that I would sit next to him, that I had already had dinner at home. To which he ordered to take a spoon and began to eat. I tasted a little and put it back. And he, angry, turned the whole table over. Started yelling at meswear . Parents came running at the noise andsister _ She started clearing all the food off the floor. AMom and Dad told him to calm down. I was scared and wanted to run away. His mother told him not to touch me and to leave me alone. To which he yelled at them not to interfere and kicked them out of his room.

Then, he hit me hard on the head and came out. He brought an iron rod and started hitting me on the legs. I was writhing in wild pain. But test-antibiotic.com didn’t cry or scream. I didn't want his parents to hear. I was left with huge black bruises on my face and legs. He always regretted it afterwards and askedforgiveness . He kissed the bruises and felt sorry for me. I asked, begged to let me go. To which he replied that he would kill me rather than give me to someone. He will tear apart any man who simply walks next to him without trial. Every attempt I made and conversations about breaking up ended in insults, beatings and threats.

If he met me on the street and there was no lipstick on my lips, then he thought that I had kissed someone (even though I practically didn’t wear makeup). There were times when he came up to usmistress and caused a scandal. She demanded that he make a choice. He laughed and said that, of course, he chooses me. I objected to him that I did not want to participate in this. To let me go. That I won’t date anyone, for which I received an elbow to the lips (to the point of bleeding).

I started avoiding him in every possible way. He came and spent the night even in the entrance. For some time I lived test-antibiotic.com on vacation with my uncle. The parents did not know about all this. Three weeks later we met by chance. He said he wouldn't let me go. Brought home. There was no one at home. He took me by force. This was the last meeting. I went to another city to continue my studies. Came out from theremarried _

More than 10 years have passed. I know for sure that I don’t love him and didn’t love him. But his name is always in my head. I can't get rid of it in any way. When I remember everything, I start to tremble, and I feel very cold, my teeth are already chattering. Now you found me on social media. networks. He writes that he still loves me. Regrets everything. He asks for forgiveness for losing sleep when he saw me on social media. networks. I don't support communication . Just wantforget it all at last. Why is his name always in my head? I don't understand.

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