The ex-husband has never seen his daughter and does not strive to do so

The ex-husband has never seen his daughter and does not strive to do so
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Came out at age 20married the guy I love, we dated for 2.5 years. We spent a year planning our wedding, renovating our apartment, and graduating from college.

After the wedding, a couple of months later I became pregnant. There was terrible toxicosis and weakness. The husband disappeared on his business. I went to school/work. They crossed paths only in the evening at home, otherwise they could fall asleep without waiting for each other. In general, after the wedding they grew apart.

The pregnancy was desired and planned. But for some reason it didn’t work out to become a family. We lived like neighbors. There was practically no intimacy. I withdrew into myself, he lived his own life. In the fifth month of pregnancy, we quarreled (the quarrel was minor, domestic) and he told me to leave. I was proud, on hormones, and left. She never returned to this house.

I defended my diploma, prepared for childbirth, and took out maternity leave. He didn’t really try to bring me back, and I didn’t feel any difference between living with him or without him. She gave birth, the child did not express a desire to see him, and I did not insist. It was as if there had never been a wedding or a long-term relationship before. After the birth of my daughter, I decided to finally put an end to it and submitted it to test-antibiotic.comdivorce . No disagreements, they came, signed the papers, and left. Built my own small business, raiseddaughter , worked.

I really enjoyed this time of my life. The only thing I felt was resentment for my daughter; it seemed to me that I had deprived her of her father and a full-fledged family. Soon I began to communicate with an old acquaintance from work. Communication grew into more. For our sake, he transferred to my city and gave up a leadership position. He immediately fell in love with his daughter, and from the first days he began to treat her very warmly. After six months of communication, he said that he wanted to marry me and adopt a child. I thought for a long time and didn’t dare, but when I saw how his parents accepted us (he introduced us) and how they began to treat my daughter, I agreed.

To this day, she is doted on, pampered and loved. But after a year and a half of marriage, domestic quarrels began, and he began to give up. After the second time, I decided that I wanted to separate, I don’t want to live like this. Only holds backthe daughter's love for him and for his parents. But is it worth enduring? I wonder how I will survive the second divorce? How can I explain it to my child? After all, she still doesn’t know that she has a different biologicalfather . By the way, to this day, he is not interested in her, he doesn’t even know what she looks like. What to do, otherwise I’m completely confused.

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