It hurts and hurts me for wasting my best years on the wrong person.

It hurts and hurts me for wasting my best years on the wrong person.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My story is about how I spent a decent part of my life on the wrong person.

After the army I met a wonderful girl, so it seemed to me then. Sweet, kind, shy, modest, from a well-bred, decent family. At the beginning there was pity for her, she was not a beauty, she had no luck in relationships, her ex played around, left her and went to someone else. We started talking and became friends and at one moment I realized that I had fallen in love.

The relationship developed with great speed, they got married, gave birth to children, overcame difficulties, shared joys with each other, in general, everything was like everyone else. Until the age of 30, everything was great, but at 30 things started to take off. First there were strangegirlfriends , as one of my friends used to say: “There is no worse enemy for marriage than the wife’s unlucky friends.” Mine was quickly trained and now from a sweet, ideal, beloved wife, she turns into a hysterical, selfish and eternally dissatisfied woman.

The further you go, the steeper it gets. Scandals began, showdowns and claims against each other. It all ended with me having to cut off the horns, I won’t tell you everything, in short, a friend helped me, by the way,the husband of one of my friends, who himself found himself in the same boat, shared his grief at the same time and drained my wife of her guts. At that time, mine was diligently pretending to be a strong and independent woman, together with my friends I opened a business for everyone, looking ahead to say that the business had a long life and should remain. With one of the so-called partners, in simple terms, a shuttle supplier from Turkey, mine got involved, respectively, some of my friends did too. When everything came to lightthe wife raked away from those whoborrowed money from me for treason andlies , and from parents for everything and together.

The next few years there was silence, well, like silence, little by little I began to be rude again, and in the end we came to what we left - a filthy character, conceit and pride, and from them, therefore, everythingproblems and troubles. And now she was carried away again along the same rake and distance. Children Adults,daughter Married the son studies and works in Moscow, and the wife dances again, again anotherthe lover drew himself to and again the same scheme. This time there is no reason to endure it, and I’m leaving, packing my things, cutting off access to all finances along the way (guess who provided for the family), tearing up all contacts and connections (phonesocial networks , etc.) and fly first to my brother for help (building a house), and then to my daughter and son-in-law.

I think everyone has already roughly understood and guessed what happened next. The finances ran out, my husband left me, my lover no longer needed me. I came to my senses, started searching, contacting all my relatives, friends and acquaintances to find me, we naturally prepared, asked everyone to keep their mouths shut, and, in general, did not tell anyone where we were heading. In general, after a few months of sitting on her butt without money and trying to solve her problems in one heap, the wife calls her daughter and starts crying, naturally whitens herself and dumps a whole bunch of lies about how I’m a tyrant and paranoid, that it’s not her fault and that it’s okay she wasn't there. But the daughter is aware of everything and gently puts her mother in her place. This time it all ended in divorce.

Bottom line. I live and help my daughter with my son-in-law and grandchildren, help my son, restorehealth , lost over all these years and I live a quiet and peaceful life. As for the ex, there is no mind, write, it’s gone. He still lives the same, periodically changes men and still does the same things, even the children are already twirling their fingers at their temples, another new business, a beauty salon, the same scheme.

Is there a happy ending? Relatively, yes, everything is fine, no one died, on the other hand, it’s a shame for the best years wasted on this person, it’s a pity for the nerves and health killed because of her, it’s a pity that starting a new onelife is already too late, because the age is not the same. Was it worth it? For her, apparently, it was worth it, but she doesn’t really worry and doesn’t think about the fact that she just ruined her family and everything that we built for so many years. As they say, God is the judge of everyone, he will judge us all.

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