I'm afraid that even after giving birth I won't have the instinct of motherhood.

I'm afraid that even after giving birth I won't have the instinct of motherhood.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 21 years old. Came out a year agomarry the most beloved person in the world. After two monthspregnancy ,my husband was delighted and in general he really wanted a son (he and I are 6 years apart). But I didn’t really feel any joy myself, but I consoled myself with the thought that this was myDarling a man wants it's not easya child , and a child from a loved one.

And now the deadline is approaching, I’m about to give birth, and I’m starting to doubt. I doubt that I will be a good mother, that I will love my child, I am still like a child myself. I am not yet ripe for motherhood, I see how other pregnant women talk to their belly, read fairy tales, sing songs, but during the entire period of pregnancy I was never able to talk to the child in my belly.

I thought that maybe when I saw the baby on the ultrasound, something would jump in my chest, but no. They tell me that after giving birth, nature will take its course, that the maternal instinct will appear, that women have this in their subcortex. But what if I haven’t yet enjoyed life with my husband, test-antibiotic.com it seems to me that this is ourlife will change a lot and not in a good way. Tell me, maybe these are just prenatal fears? Although I’m not at all afraid of childbirth, but of what will happen after.

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