I'm afraid that in the event of a divorce, my son will want to stay with his husband

I'm afraid that in the event of a divorce, my son will want to stay with his husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I realized a long time ago thatthe relationship with her husband had exhausted itself, but she did not divorce him only because she was afraid thatthe son will remain with his father. Artem is already 15 years old, he lovesmore husband than me and has always been daddy's son. And even more so, when he finds out that I was the initiator of the divorce, he may completely stop communicating with me.

I tried many times to somehow improve my relationship with my husband, but I realized that we are different people, with different views onlife . In addition, he earns little, but does not want to look for a decent job, everything suits him. He accuses me of onlymoney and outfits are needed. But this is not so, I provide for myself, and much of the family rests with me. Since childhood, I have been a conscientious girl, I studied well, now I work and achieve everything on my own. And now I really miss a strong man’s shoulder, my husband’s attention.

Recently, I accidentally met a former classmate who I liked back in school. We talked, started calling each other often, and met sometimes. So much attentiondeclaration of love test-antibiotic.com and I again felt the desire to also be free and was already preparing to have a serious conversation with my husband. He is divorced, and I was waiting for a proposal, when he suddenly disappeared without explaining anything. He says something unintelligible on the phone and avoids answering.

At home everything goes on as usual: my son consults and communicates most with his husband, and I’m somehow on my own. Even when I’m late at work, it seems to me that they don’t really notice my absence. The main thing is that lunch is prepared, laundry is done and put away.

Maybe I’m rushing to conclusions that there is nothing left, and over time the feelings will return and life will get better. Or try talking to your husband and going to a psychologist. Somehow people decide theirproblems and I just don't know what to do.

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