I'm afraid that during the wedding my friend cast a spell on me

I'm afraid that during the wedding my friend cast a spell on me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Your futureI waited for my husband for a very long time, but when I met him, I realized that he and I were made for each other. We were madly in love. When he proposed to me, I immediately agreed to become his wife. Then I proposed to my husband to get married. He didn't mind and said he would do whatever I wanted as long as I was happy.

My friend helped me prepare for the weddingfriend Alina. We knew each other since childhood. I always shared with her my deepest secrets, my joys and sorrows. Then I thought that this person was rejoicing in my happiness with me and could do nothing wrong.

And now the long-awaited wedding day has arrived. The weather was simply wonderful: autumn breeze and gentle sun. Me in a white wedding dress, the groom in a black suit, a sea of ​​flowers and champagne. I was in seventh heaven, which is probably why I didn’t notice a lot.

After my weddingMom told me that she noticed Alina in church. It seemed to her that she was saying something at test-antibiotic.com during the wedding ceremony and held somestrange ritual.

I didn’t say anything to my mother, but I decided for myself to talk to my friend at the first meeting. This meeting was not long in coming. We talked for a long time on various topics, I was still in wedding euphoria and shared my impressions.

When I decided to clarify what kind of ritual she performed during the wedding, Alina replied: “This is a ritual for a happy and long family life.” My friend has always been interested in magic and fortune telling, so this did not surprise me, and I even thanked her.

The first year of family life passed like a fairy tale, despite the fact that many say that it is a test for a young family. The husband was very attentive, caring, and always hurried home after work. We spent all the holidays together, enjoying every minute together.

Then it seemed to me that nothing and no one could interfere with our happiness. But a year later, it was as if my husband had been replaced. He became cold and somehow alien, I think women who experienced this will understand me. It's terrible and hard to realize that yourDarling the man turned into a test-antibiotic.com stranger.

What have I not done to save ourmarriage . But so far all my efforts have not been crowned with success. I began to think more and more often about the ceremony that was performed for a happy familylife , but for some reason it collapses.

Apparently, the ceremony my friend performed was completely different from the one she told me about. I do not know what to do.

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