Marriage without love

Marriage without love
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 27 years old, my husband is 36. We have been living together for 7 years, and we have known each other for 8. We have a son, 7 years old. The marriage is official.

The fact is that my husband and I no longer have anything in common. We can be silent for days and not talk. And it's terribly boring. We talked about this topic, he says that he cannot open up in front of me and show me his feelings. And I'm with him. And we understand that this will continue. He doesn’t go to visit my relatives, I go to his relatives. We understand that this is a vicious circle.

They talked about divorce. He says he doesn't care, and if I want, I can apply fordivorce _ And I'm afraid. I have feelings for him. But we are not developing further. I feel like I need to stop all this. But I’m also afraid for my son. He wants us to stay together. I feel like we're not right for each other. There is still mistrust between us.

He doesn't hit me, he doesn't drink. It seems like we have built a family. There is a roof over's head, I recently received my diploma. Both he and I would like a second child. Only we are both afraid that with the birth of our secondthe relationship will further deteriorate. We have 3 apartments purchased during marriage. And to be honest, he bought them himself. He says: “In the event of a divorce, the apartments remain with me, and you go and rent an apartment with your son.”

But,It’s not me who needs the apartment , but my son, so that he has a roof over his head. My husband says my son will live with me or with him, as he wants. So if he suddenly gets married, who knows what kind of marriage he will havehis wife , or God forbid, he will be gone, my son and I will remain on the street.

I have parents, they would help, but howFather , he should probably provide housing for his son. But that’s not what scares me, but the fact that if I file for divorce, I’ll break up the family that we somehow built, even if it’s not ideal. And then how the divorce will affect my son, and suddenly I’ll leavemarried in a year or two. I don’t want for my stepfather to offend his son. I will deprive my son of his father and family, it turns out! Where he hasmom and dad.

I feel like I'm at a dead end. I don't know why I'm writing here. Maybe just talk it out.

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