Marriage to my first love did not bring me happiness

Marriage to my first love did not bring me happiness
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have been married to my husband for 2 years; before that we dated for a year when we were teenagers. Then he got married, then divorced after 4 years of marriage. Then he had othersrelationship and again we decided to reunite.

All of himthe family communicates with the family of his ex-wife and daughter, who, as he claims, is not hischild . He does not communicate with her and the child. We havedaughter , she is already 1 year and 4 months old. We have constant scandals and swearing, he calls names, talks aboutdivorce and separation. May raise his hand. According to him, I am a scandalous hysteric. Accordingly, I wore out his nerves and reaped the benefits. His complaints against me are that I make scandals out of nowhere and blow his mind, he cannot exist with me. I constantly listen to his insults, he raises his hand and smashes everything around. As a result, we do not have a relationship, but hell. There is no sex because I make a scandal.

I feel like a stranger both in relation to my husband and in relation to my child. Now he is not working due to injury, I am working, and I’m a little tired. We try to discuss the problem, but it turns into another scandal. I don’t even know why, I’m so confused about everything already. He insists on divorce. I'm afraid of divorce because I don't want to return to my mother. She also faces constant pressure and scandals. She will constantly nag me with this. I'm tired. I don't like his character. As for my appearance, I’m also not sure that he likes me, as he said, he became impotent with me. He looks at me like I'm furniture. Yes andsex is such that he imagines the other at that moment. Maybe it's really worth getting a divorce?

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