The price of betrayal

The price of betrayal
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My sister's husband loved her. He loved her very much, and this was obvious to both close people and casual acquaintances. There could be no mistake here. And how she loved him! From school. Adultson , but they looked like newlyweds.

They are always there, eye to eye, you can describe for a long time how difficult and how happily they lived. They loved each other, and through them thislove was somehow transmitted to the world, making it a little better.

No one knows why he changed. This relationship continued for some time and faded away on its own, but years passed before it all ended.

It's clear what happened next. She found out. Let's skip another million pages of text here. My sister has gone crazy. In the most literal sense. This burden was beyond her, an objectively very strong woman.

Independent, beautiful (very beautiful), smart software engineer, I’ll stop listing them, gone crazy. She couldn't (and still can't) understand why he did it.

What is he? He still loves her. Got drunk. Not everyone can be an executioner. She? Do not want to talk. I was hoping that I would write about her here now, but no. I could not. I erased everything. As I write, I feel thatbetrayal that I betray my sister. And she has already had enough betrayals. I'll write one. So many years have passed, butShe still had only one question left: “Why?” After all, there really was love. Ask her now: “A billion dollars, or the answer to the question “why?”,” and she will ask: “Why?”

I remember one story about how I went crazymother ,whose daughter got lost on a hike. The daughter was found, she was nearby: “Mom, mom...”. And the mother with empty eyes is already in a madhouse: “Where are you, my daughter, where are you? Give me back my daughter."

Many will think she is weak, this one is yourssister . No, that's not true. I've thought about this a lot. Not many had to, or rather, not many dared to make so many changes in life, so much struggle forlife . She is a strong person and now there is such a depressing ending. Life hit her where she was most vulnerable, and the hit was absolute.

This is not even a story, if you look at it strictly, just a picture from life. I hope you will publish it, maybe it will help someone not to make a mistake. Yes, not much happened, on a global scale it’s like thathappens every day .

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