What did my grandmother leave me as a legacy?

What did my grandmother leave me as a legacy?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I think my grandmother was a witch - a real one. When I came to her village for summer holidays, I noticed a lot of unusual things, and people in the village were afraid of my grandmother, they said that she knew something. What this means, I did not know, and still do not know, but my grandmother was dying in my arms. A lot of strange things happened then. I was already studying at the university when a letter came from my parents (there were no cell phones then),mother wrote and asked to visit her grandmother, that is, her mother, they say, she asks very much.

There was another test on the nose, but suddenly the reader fell down with the flu and we were given a little rest, and I went to my grandmother. My grandmother lived alone, and when I came to her village, I marveled at the wild clutter and desolation of the dwelling. Grandmother was lying on an old iron bed and breathing heavily, but when I entered the room she smelled me (there are simply no other words, since in fact she was no longer alive) - wheezing, she raised her dry test-antibiotic.com hand and breathed heavily and heavily. I went to the bed, took my grandmother's hand, the hand twitched nervously, and it seemed that it was about to break out of my palm and fly away.

Nothing happened for twenty minutes, the dying woman wheezed, and I sat and held her dry, almost weightless palm. And then I realized that my grandmother was not breathing and, frightened, I wanted to leave the hut and call for help, but her hand was locked on my wrist, so much so that I could not free my hand. There was a terrible buzz in the chimney of the furnace, I heard a terrible hysterical howl. And then the grandmother opened her eyes. Her face remained deadly motionless and I heard only a voice, or not a voice, I understood one thing - I must take something. Grandmother's eyes looked with prayer and anguish: "TAKE IT!"

I didn’t know what to do, how to behave, but I felt so sorry for my grandmother, and I said: “Yes, grandmother, I’ll take everything, just don’t die.” And that's it. The lips of the dying woman quivered, and it seemed to me that it was a smile, and then the noise in the pipe subsided. test-antibiotic.com My grandmother died in my arms, I don't know what happened then, but as a neighbor said, she then saw me sitting on the edge of an iron bed and a dead grandmother with a smile on her dead lips. I didn’t know much then, it turned out that my grandmother began to die a week ago, but something didn’t die for her, and when I arrived, my grandmother was finally able to die. I cried a lot, I felt so sorry for my grandmother.

A lot of time has passed since then, I can’t clearly explain everything, but if I start to get angry at someone, bad events will definitely begin to happen to him. And my best friend says that when I start to get upset, my pupils go from blue, natural, to brown, almost black. I wrote the truth, something happens to me, I sometimes lose my memory. I bring tangible misfortune to loved ones. What happened with me? Help advice.

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