What happened to your husband after the wedding?

What happened to your husband after the wedding?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Three years ago I met a man, fell in love, and began to live together. He seemed ideal - gentle, affectionate, romantic, generous, helped with housework, was not jealous, sensitive. I can describe it endlessly. Oh yes, and mind-blowingsex every night, or even more often!

Soon we moved in together, gradually (over 2 years) hehelp with the housework has come to naught, but I’m a woman, I have to cope on my own. I'm coping successfully. There is less romance, he doesn’t invite anyone anywhere, kisses are also rare. Again, I understand everything - the candy-bouquet period cannot last forever.

Then I made an offer. But all the questions about organizing the wedding fell on me; he seemed to be indifferent. I was upset, but even then I thought that women usually picture a wedding in their dreams, and men are pragmatic.

We got married. And now we’ve been married for a little less than 1 year, but I don’t even recognize my husband, he’s lost interest in me! You can’t get him to go for a walk with me, let’s go on vacation - sit in a cafe on the embankment, talk over a glasswine , it turns out we have no common themes! I don’t remember kisses and hugs at all test-antibiotic.com when was the last time. In the evenings he stays late at work, the last straw was sex once every 2-3 weeks, and then on my initiative!

We haven’t even been married a year, and he’s no longer interested in me? At the same time, I did not gain weight, did not change in behavior or appearance. I tried to talk, but the answer I received was: “I’m tired at work, so I want sex less.” OK,He earns good money , I believe that he gets tired, but how can a healthy man at 30 not want sex?

The other day, while kissing him, I noticed a glitter on his lip, not for the first time. And here’s the question: “is it changing or am I fooling myself?” I asked about the glitter, he replied that he didn’t know and that I was making it all up. I didn’t start a scandal, but I don’t understand what to do next? We have only been married for a year, but what will happen in 10 years? Should we stop saying hello?

I terribly miss tenderness, male attention and banal sex! I'm 28 years old, not 48, be patient with yourselfI can’t treat test-antibiotic.com as household utensils, but I don’t want to change it either, it doesn’t correspond to my principles. Why then a family?

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