I feel like I don't need anyone

I feel like I don't need anyone
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am writing because I myself can no longer cope with this state and open up to no one in particular. I stopped enjoying life, although from the outside everything is fine, lovinghusband ,pregnant , home, but I feel that people do not need me, as if I am not from this world. I have not been working for 3 years, I am 25 years old, I worked only 2 months, for this I came to Moscow. After not paying the promised money, she left. I went to interviews for an acquaintance, but they didn’t even take it.

After that, my hands dropped, and I just began to be afraid of people and feel below the plinth. I was not very sociable before, but finding a job where you don’t have to communicate with people is not easy, and, paradoxically, I have a higher education in psychology and studied well. A shoemaker without boots, I can’t help myself, not to mention ... Previously, I studied almost perfectly at school, I was good at the university, but now it’s just an abyss. My husband is not up to it, somehow she tried to pour out her soul, said: “you cause me negative emotions.” My husband is older, but she left out of love, financially he provides test-antibiotic.com, but sometimes reproaches slip through, like, I don’t appreciate it, etc., although I don’t spend almost anything on myself, and I don’t want to ask.

In my family, my father always had to begmoney even for food, it still makes me sick. With father in generalthe relationship ended, as a child he didn’t talk to me for several years, living under the same roof, recently he said at all that I wasn’t hisdaughter and I only needed money from him. After this, she stopped relations with him, her relations with her mother-in-law were also bad, she disliked immediately, unsociable, like her, I don’t wash the bones of everyone, I thought that I and minethe family of swindlers, right before the wedding, put the condition of the marriage contract, and believe in seriousness when my family brings money for the wedding. They brought 100 thousand, it is problematic for the village to collect such money, but even after that it has not changed, constant negativity addressed to me and, moreover, behind my back, and kisses me when I meet. At first, my husband followed her lead, even agreed to the contract, which offended me very much, but now he also condemns test-antibiotic.com for her.

She often visits us because we live next to her sister. I don’t even want to live in this house, although it’s big, but this place is not mine, it’s uncomfortable there. I thought that everything would be fine with the pregnancy, the mother-in-law began to be silent, but my husband was somehow more and more at work, I was alone at home all day long, he came at night to eat and sleep, but I wanted to go out somewhere, but I was afraid of people and even left the house alone I don't know what to do anymore. They took my sister, helped me to enter the university, and she was rude to me, like a dog, she never spoke like that.

In general, I live in a cage, behind which there is such a feeling of evil animals, and nothing pleases me, neither shopping, nor trips, I don’t even know what to do, different thoughts come.

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