I feel like Cinderella

I feel like Cinderella
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 22 years old. This story began back in 2012. Then I had a huge fight with my drinking father and left home. I worked part-time where I could, between studies. Then I accidentally found out from my younger sister thatmy father and the whole family decided to sign me out of the apartment. My godmother took it upon herself to help me stay in my legal place of residence. And I just graduated from college and started receiving a salary. In March 2013, I moved in with my godmother. She's the exmy father's wife .

At that time, she was not working and was caring for three children. My salary ensured our survival for a while. Since there was an extreme lack of money, we decided it was time to open our own business. Well, like mine: I talked her into itgirlfriend , they say, the business will be joint,money in half. Mom was fired up by this crazy idea, and we, due to lack of experience and intelligence, of course, supported her.

Further - worse. There is nothing to pay off loans for 600,000 rubles; the business is not yet generating income. In general, omitting the details of 3 months, the “business ladies” went bankrupt. The friend turned out to be a fraud and refused to return the money invested in the test-antibiotic.com business.

And then we ran aground again. For six months we tried to get out of this abyss. Nothing came of it. Hands dropped. And we came to the conclusion that we need to takeloan to pay off some of the debt, but the godmother was refused by all banks. And then I thought that I could help her. After all, we live together, alonefamily . Then she helped me get a job in the banking sector, where she herself worked. Helped me get a loan. And I took on 300,000 rubles.

Debts paid offlife began to get better. Until recently. Scandals began, unfounded accusations began, she began to accuse my sister and me of being ungrateful creatures and not appreciating what she does for us. Either everything is just fine, or she hates us. Mentally it put a lot of pressure on me. I decided it was time to leave. I didn’t want to quarrel with her at all, but it was impossible to live like this any longer. Next, the godmother switched to minerelationship , which was the reason for kicking me out of the house.

Now I live with my boyfriend and I have a loan from test-antibiotic.com that I have to repay until 2018. What to do next, I don’t know how to negotiate with her either. This looks more like fraud on her part, she put a loan on me and kicked me out. I don't want to believe it at all. So I spoke out, and it became easier.

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