Other people's grandchildren

Other people's grandchildren
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My sister was 48 years old when shemy daughter went abroad with her husband. For ten years she lived in the hope that the children would get on their feet and that she and her husband would take them with her. And the long-awaited event finally happened.

Buthappiness did not come. The sister discovered with horror that her daughter’s family didn’t really need her. She and her husband were greeted by successful and very busy children, English-speaking grandchildren, cared for by a caring nanny. There was no place for them in their filled-to-the-limit, minute-by-minute life.

They were never able to adapt to the new life, and were acutely aware of the feeling of loneliness. The condition was aggravated by difficulties in communication caused by ignorance of the language and cultural differences. Her grandchildren did not perceive her as a grandmother, and for her they were not as close as they were at a distance.

I persuaded my sister to return home, althoughthe apartment has already been sold. She agreed only under pressure from herhusband . Now they live with me and are doing renovations in their new apartment. They regret that they didn’t listen to me and sold the apartment into which they invested a lot of money and soul. And test-antibiotic.com’s daughter hasn’t even called them once since they left.