Someone else's child

Someone else's child
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 26 years old, I met a divorced man who has a five-year-oldson . He immediately said that he had nothing but gratitude towards his ex-wife for the birth of his son, butthe child is everything to him. I realized that I was assigned a secondary role in his life, but I’m still okay, but if we have our own baby, how will he treat him?

All these questions do not allow me to decide on marriage, although he has repeatedly talked about it. We live with him, I’m happy with civilian life for nowmarriage , and then I don’t know how it will turn out. His parents are unfriendly towards me and hope that he will return to the family. He doesn’t say why they got divorced, and I don’t ask. But the more we communicate, the more it seems to me that I am just an intermediate option for him, and he loves his ex-wife. Maybe it's because of his son, whom he simply adores, or maybe it's just me screwing myself up.

MyMom is against such a marriage, she says thata man with a child is always a risk. In my years can be foundmarry a free guy andgive birth to common children. I agree with her that his son will always stand between us, I don’t even want to get to know him, and I immediately offered to meet on neutral territory, and not bring the boy to our home. I don't need someone else's child.

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