I have been dreaming of a child for a long time and I will take him from his mother through the court

I have been dreaming of a child for a long time and I will take him from his mother through the court
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We've been dating for almost four years. I recently found out that the last year (according to her) has been minethe girl cheated on me. With the same guy, not often, but constantly.

On mythe question of why she does this, each time gives a new answer: either she wanted romance, then she was afraid of losing him, then it was my own fault for telling her what my acquaintances and friends were saying about her, so I decided to do the same. Now she swears that this won’t happen again, and in general she realized how much she loves me, etc. She lied about his name, but didn’t delete his number.

She has two children from different men. At first I wanted to leave her, but now I decided that she should give birth to my child, help me with raising up to three years old, and then I willI’ll take away the court and also deprive you of your maternity rights. I already have prepared material for this.

The only problem is that I don’t know what to tell the child aboutmother , and I simply don’t have time to look for a new partner, since I’m always at work. test-antibiotic.com But I’ve been wanting a child for a long time, and it’s high time.

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