My husband's children from his first marriage and his ex-wife do not allow our family to live in peace

My husband's children from his first marriage and his ex-wife do not allow our family to live in peace
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband has two children from his first marriage: a son, 14 years old, and a daughter, 11 years old. And I have a 17-year-old daughter from my first marriage and a 15-year-old son, and the youngest is 14. In general, when we started living together, his exwife tripped us all the time. She forbade the children to go with us exactly where they themselves liked. For example, in the forest, pool, fishing. We did not understand her behavior with her husband, since she herself lived with a guy and was expecting a child from him. As a result, after 3.5 years it turned out that she was setting the children against her father and me. He incites them so much that the children believe that the father has no right to anything. Onlypay money .

His children do not respect me, they can come to us without saying hello to me and leave without saying goodbye. His daughter made a scandal last weekend. Her ear hurt until midnight. With the procedures, the pain somehow decreased, but by the morning it started again. Husband went fishing with his son and mine and decided that I would take his daughter to the doctor. So, on the way, she began to write to her mother that we were taking her to the doctor, they started shouting at me on the phone. The child stands and plays a scene there that we do not understand. As a result, hisdaughter said thatMom ordered them, if we take them to the doctor, so that they immediately call her. And that they do not invite dad to any events that take place at school or in sports. The reason is that they do not live together and dad does not need to be everywhere.

She is to blame for their divorce. His ex was cheating on him. I don't know what she wants from us. Me andMy husband is good to his children and he is good to mine. But now, lately, it starts to shake me when his children come to us. Since they will come, there are eternal scandals. And I'm scared of myself that I've changed so much for his children. Even in the depths of my soul I wish that they would not come to us. They come to us every two weeks, 3.5 years she crawls into our family. We were never able to go on vacation together, as she forbids. She does what she wants. We have constant disagreements with my husband, as he can take a lot of vacations from work. I'm just tired and have no energy.

Just yesterday, his son was with us, he was supposed to stay until 18:00. I called his grandmother and said that we would come to her for an hour. Immediately calls himmother to her son and says she will now come for him, supposedly they need to be purchased. And that's how it is every time. They will come, we put together a plan right there, aggression on her part. I tell my husband: “don’t be silent or tell your son that we wanted to go to my grandmother.” Moreover, they rarely see each other. My husband yelled at me and said he was tired. I need advice, I don't know what to do.

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